Art / Design and Technology
All pupils are getting creative at Burnt Oak Junior School!
In Key Stage 1 and 2 Art lessons are supported by the Art Scheme Plan Bee. This promotes technical skills and acquisition of knowledge by introducing famous artists such as Vincent Van Gogh, Frida Khalo and Sonia Delaunay.
During Art and DT sessions, children have the opportunity to observe, discuss and create, there is also time for them to evaluate their own and other pupils’ work. Where possible, lessons are structured around the children’s half-termly IPC topic and reflect and build upon what they are learning in their other lessons. Children create individually, in partners and collaboratively and they sculpt, collage, draw – using a wide range of media – or paint with poster paints, watercolours, acrylics, fabric paints and coloured pastels.
The children each have their own sketchbook which documents all of the Art/DT taught over the year. High quality classroom displays demonstrate the children’s creativity and passion for Art.