Burnt Oak Junior School

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Assessment, Monitoring and Reporting

Intervention Programmes

Intervention programmes are frequently put in place to support or extend learning for children with particular aptitude or experiencing difficulty in making progress towards their targets.  The assessment information for children attending these groups is recorded as an entry level. This will include Booster Classes and setting arrangements.

Target Setting with Pupils

The English and mathematics leaders set whole school targets with the teachers in discussion with the assessment leader and Head of School. These targets are then divided into the skills progression focus for each year group. The class teacher uses their professional judgement to divide these into the 6 half terms and to differentiate these across the ability groups of the class. The teacher then sets a specific termly target for reading, writing and mathematics with each child. These are displayed in the front of each pupil’s workbooks. Children self-assess their progress against these targets  and record progress. The teacher’s judgement is also recorded to validate the assessment, celebrate progress and achievement of the target.

Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) for Year 6

Children in Year 6 take part in the KS2 National SATs for reading, writing, spelling, science and maths during a specific week in May. These tests are marked externally and the results reported to the school and Local Authority.  

Formative Assessment

Assessment for Learning is a crucial factor in ensuring that the child is at the centre of the learning and a partner in the process. The importance of marking and feedback is emphasised in the policy on marking and referred to in all other policies on learning and teaching. At Burnt Oak we are committed to improve the use of assessment to inform our personalised approach to learning. We believe that the best response to children’s learning is personalised and immediate. However there are times when learning needs to be reviewed in the child’s absence. We believe that every piece of recorded learning needs to be assessed by the class teacher or teaching assistant to ensure that the child’s learning steps have been identified and that the future lessons are planned to develop the children’s learning progressively. This needs to be recorded to ensure that the children see their contributions as valuable.

The way in which work should be marked is detailed in the policy framework and clearly related to individual targets and lesson objectives. Children are an integral part of the assessment process through the ‘two stars and a wish’ system of self- assessment and peer review. This gives them an opportunity to reflect on learning and understand the learning objectives. This skill takes time and patience to perfect but is crucial to the development of our children as active participants in their learning.

Reporting and Communication with Parents/Carers

Reporting and partnership with parents is crucial to success for the child. Each parent/carer will have three formal opportunities each year to meet their child’s teacher to discuss their progress and attainment. The pupil will be expected to be present at each of these meetings. These meetings will follow the successful ‘tried and tested’ model developed across The Pioneer Academy. They will be kept under review by Burnt Oak School Board Governors to ensure they meet the needs of parents and carers.


There is an informal open evening within the first month of the Autumn term. 

There is then a ten minute evening interview in the second half of the Autumn Term, designed to allow the teacher and parent/carer to share any concerns or anxieties they may have regarding their child’s new class. Initial impressions will be shared and points to help the development of the child discussed.


This meeting will be conducted as an open, informal meeting where parents are able to meet the teacher and look through their child’s books and work samples.


An informal open evening is held with an invitation for parents/carers to drop in and review the year following on from the publication of the child’s end of year report.


At the end of the summer term each teacher for each pupil will publish a formal report. This report will have full written sections on general attributes and successes, English, Mathematics and Science. Attendance data and the other National Curriculum subjects will also be reported. Assessment information is published for children in Year 6 for both the test results and the teacher assessment judgements. In the other year groups parents will be informed as to whether their child is achieving above, in line with or below the expected attainment  for their age. Parents will be clear on the progress made through the termly meetings and tracking the individual targets and any intervention programmes for their child.