Burnt Oak Junior School

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Key Information





The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012


  1. School Contact Details:   

Burnt Oak Junior School,

Burnt Oak Lane,



DA15 9DA.

Telephone: 0208 300 5854.

The school’s compulsory opening hours:

  • Gates open from 8:45am and the school day begins at 9:00am.
  • The school day ends at 3:30pm.

The total time this amounts to is 32.5 hours in a typical week.

The school office is open from 8:00am – 4:30pm.


  1.     Name of member of staff who deals with general enquiries: Louise Adamson.  She will then direct your query to the appropriate person.

Name of the Executive Headteacher: Mr I McManus

Name and email address for Chair of School Board: Miss L Lynch (admin@burntoak.bexley.sch.uk)
Name and contact details for SENDCo: Mrs V Harbor  (senco@chatsworth.bexley.sch.uk)

Name Address and telephone number for The Pioneer Academy:

The Pioneer Academy

2nd Floor, 1 Leonard Place Business Centre

Westerham Road



         Telephone:  01689 283121

  1. Admissions Arrangements: Admissions to the school are determined by Bexley local authority.  Information on admissions can be found on the Bexley website here.   A copy of our Admissions Policy and Appeals can be found here.
  2. OFSTED:   The most recent OFSTED report for the school may be downloaded from the OFSTED website and here
  3. Assessment Results:  The school’s most recent KS2 results published by the Secretary of State can be found on the DFE website here or on our school website here.
  4. Performance Tables:   School performance tables can be accessed here.
  5. Curriculum:   Information about the school curriculum can be found under learning on the school website.  Additional information is available either from class teachers or, the Head Teacher.  We use a mixed book scheme which is banded for readability.
  6. Behaviour Policy:   Information about the school Behaviour Policy, Discipline and anti-bullying statements can be found here.
  7. Pupil premium:   In 2023-2024 the pupil premium grant for Burnt Oak Junior School was £26,885. This allocation will be spent in line with the school’s published policy statement which can be found here with further information about the impact of expenditure so far. 
  8. PE and Sports Premium:   To see details about our funding allocation; how we have spent this and the difference it has made here
  9. Special Educational Needs & Disabilities:   Detailed information about the School Offer, including policy and provision for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities can be found in the Special Educational Needs and Disability and the Inclusion Policies on the school website.
  10. Equality Objectives: Detailed information about how the school complies with the public sector equality duty as well as the school’s equality objectives can be found here.
  11. Complaints Policy: The school’s current Complaints Policy can be found by following on the policies pages of the school website.
  12.  Reports and accounts: The Annual report and Accounts for The Pioneer Academy can be found by following this link: https://thepioneeracademy.co.uk/bexley/primary/pioneeracademy/site/pages/aboutus/documents
  13. Trustees’ information and duties: Information regarding the Trust Board can be found by following this link: https://thepioneeracademy.co.uk/bexley/primary/pioneeracademy/site/pages/aboutus/governance/trustboard
  14. Charging and Remissions Policy:  The Trust’s current Charging and Remissions Policy can be found by following this link: https://thepioneeracademy.co.uk/bexley/primary/pioneeracademy/site/pages/aboutus/policies/financepolicies
  15. Statement of ethos and values:  Please look on our About Us webpage to see our values and ethos statement.
  16. Further information can be found on the school website
  17. Privacy Notice for Pupils in Schools, Alternative Provision and Pupil Referral Units, and Children in Early Years Settings: Privacy Notices
  18. A paper copy of the school website information can be obtained free of charge via the school office.  Please contact admin@burntoak.bexley.sch.uk to request a copy.