Burnt Oak Junior School

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Safeguarding at Burnt Oak Junior School

At Burnt Oak Junior School, we are committed to practices which protect children from harm and aim to create a culture of vigilance throughout the school. Staff and volunteers in our school are aware of their statutory responsibilities with respect to safeguarding and accept and recognise their responsibilities to develop awareness of the issues which can cause children harm and to take appropriate action within a timely manner. We will always act in the best interest of the child.

It is acknowledged that a child can be abused, harmed or neglected in a family, institution or community setting by someone known to them, or less commonly, by a stranger. This includes someone in a position of trust such as a teacher or other professional.

Safeguarding and the promotion of a child’s welfare covers all aspects of the child’s life and Burnt Oak Junior School is committed to ensuring that all its actions in respect of a child are compatible with this aim. If there are concerns about a child’s welfare that do not meet the thresholds of child abuse, the school will consider whether working together with other relevant agencies to provide early help should be considered.


Designated Safeguarding Leads at Burnt Oak Junior School

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Home | Our School | Key information | Safeguarding


Safeguarding at Burnt Oak Junior School

At Burnt Oak Junior School, we are committed to practices which protect children from harm and aim to create a culture of vigilance throughout the school. Staff and volunteers in our school are aware of their statutory responsibilities with respect to safeguarding and accept and recognise their responsibilities to develop awareness of the issues which can cause children harm and to take appropriate action within a timely manner. We will always act in the best interest of the child.

It is acknowledged that a child can be abused, harmed or neglected in a family, institution or community setting by someone known to them, or less commonly, by a stranger. This includes someone in a position of trust such as a teacher or other professional.

Safeguarding and the promotion of a child’s welfare covers all aspects of the child’s life and Burnt Oak Junior School is committed to ensuring that all its actions in respect of a child are compatible with this aim. If there are concerns about a child’s welfare that do not meet the thresholds of child abuse, the school will consider whether working together with other relevant agencies to provide early help should be considered.


Designated Safeguarding Leads at Burnt Oak Junior School

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2023-24