At Burnt Oak, Science is focused on developing an understanding of the natural phenomena and the man-made world, and making links with ways science impacts on people’s lives and the environment. We aim to give all pupils a strong understanding of the impact of science in their everyday and future lives by asking them to think scientifically through questioning and conducting practical enquiries to investigate questions. Teachers plan for inspiring learning journeys following the IPC units, building on pupils’ previous knowledge and developing pupils’ scientific skills through practical activities focusing on observation, enquiry, planning and investigations.
The National Curriculum provides structure and skills progression for the Science curriculum taught throughout the school. This is linked to themed topics provided by the IPC which provides for a broad, balanced and relatable programme of study. Children are fully immersed into their Science topics creating knowledge harvests, taking part in engaging and innovating experiments providing ample opportunities to develop working scientific skills. At the end of each lesson, children are able to show how they feel they achieved by using a self-assessment ‘traffic light’ system. Class teachers also monitor how children have grasped the concept through regular assessment for learning, quiz questions, books and knowledge harvests. Where relevant, teachers plan for external visitors or trips to immerse the children in their learning further. In the exit point, teacher plan for ways to celebrate and showcase the learning of a topic.
The areas of science covered at Burnt Oak can be seen in three main strands: Biology (living things, plants, humans and animals), Chemistry (materials, properties, changes and matter) and Physics (Earth and space, forces, energy, electricity and electromagnetism and waves). The IPC curriculum provides for a progression of knowledge through Milepost 1 (KS1) followed by Chatsworth Infant School which we have special links with as a feeder school, and Mileposts 2 & 3 from Year 3 to Year 6. Practical inquiry at Burnt Oak is a strength and teachers plan for exciting practical and hands-on learning aided by the progression of inquiry skills built in the IPC scientific strand.
Opportunities to celebrate and extend learning beyond the classroom is encouraged at Burnt Oak. In the Spring term, the school participate in the annual celebration of British Science week. Celebrations include: assemblies, talks by volunteers with links to STEM, opportunities to enter competitions and immerse in lots of exiting practical work throughout the week. Links with local secondary schools is encouraged and opportunities to set up enrichment workshops and visits take place throughout the year.
We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:
- Tracking of knowledge through ‘knowledge harvests’ completed before and after the topic showing progression;
- Teacher observations of pupils during lessons and use of AfL questioning;
- Assessment when marking pupil books (Bubble questions);
- Pupil questionnaire regarding their experiences when learning their science topics;
- General pupil discussions about their learning;
- Pupils self-assessing at the end of lessons through the ‘traffic light’ system.
Useful Websites
Year 3
How Humans Work (Animals including humans)
Bright Sparks (Electricity and light)
Shake It (States of matter)
Scavengers and Settlers (Rocks)
Year 4
Making Waves (Sound)
Land, Sea and Sky (Animal including humans)
Let’s Plant It (Plants)
Let’s Plant It (Animals including Humans)
Feel the Force (Forces)
Year 5
Space Scientist (Earth and Space)
Roots, Shoots and Fruits (Plants)
Being Human (Animal including humans)
Year 6
Existing, Endangered, Extinct (Evolution and inheritance)
Animals including humans –